Smart Compliance is a UK technology business focussed on the capture and communication of gas monitoring data. We have developed a unique and award-winning solution for the detection of carbon monoxide – the silent, odourless killer which currently kills between 40 and 50 UK residents each year and which doctors believe harms thousands more through constant low level exposure.
The Smart Compliance carbon monoxide detection system is unlike any other product available. Instead of a simple alarm which alerts the householder when CO is present in sufficient concentration, our detectors also report 24/7 via reliable SMS to a central portal, recording not just the level of CO, but also the status of the monitor itself. This allows thousands of households to be monitored continuously by a single operative, with nothing more complex than a smartphone, and provides:
- Previously unavailable levels of Public Safety
- A complete and permanently available record of Compliance
- Substantive Evidence that Duty of Care measures are in place
- Valuable Data on the presence of CO at any level
Our system is currently involved in a substantial pilot project with partners National Grid, Northern Gas Grid Network and Wales and West Utilities. More than a dozen social landlords, including local authorities and universities, are currently undertaking ‘Discovery Projects’ which are allowing landlords across the UK to monitor CO in their tenants’ homes via the secure Smart Compliance web portal. Even in the early stages of this roll-out, 2 lives have been saved.
Compliance Costs Money
Both Social and Private landlords have legal and Duty of Care liability to protect their tenants, and legislation and sentencing are only becoming more punitive. There’s no escaping the fact that compliance with legal and Duty of Care obligations carries significant cost.
However, by deploying our unique, remote monitoring technology, that cost can be minimised. Furthermore, at the same time, tenants are better protected and valuable monitoring data is captured, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, with no need to make appointments or knock on doors.
Why Fail to Deploy this New Monitoring Technology?
We are confident that no other CO monitor comes close to offering the package of cost and performance benefits of the Smart CO Detection System. So, what’s to stop you trialling the system in your housing stock?
If you feel you don’t yet know enough, that you don’t fully understand how the system works, that you have no need of this advanced level of CO monitoring, that other detectors offer further benefits, or that you can’t afford to take up the system, please contact us today for more information.
The UK’s Energy Innovation Centre believes this technology represents a remarkable breakthrough for tenants and landlords – challenge us to prove that to you!